Best way to protect your website from being hacked In 2021.
Best way to protect website from being hacked In 2021
How to secure websites & blogs from Black Hat Hackers in English? Friends, if you are a blogger or website owner, then today this post can be very helpful for you because today in this post I'm gonna tell you how you gonna protect your websites and blogs which you have written from being hacked? Friends, although nothing is secure on the Internet, still you can save your website and blog from being hacked to a great extent by following some of the tips mentioned below.
Friends, many websites are hacked daily on the internet, but still, some websites & blog owners do not pay much attention to the security of their websites. If you are one of them, then, of course, you should think about the security of your website. May it not happen that out of those thousands of millions of websites, someday one site will be yours too!
If you are a blogger or website owner then this post is only for you, because today in this post we will learn how you gonna protect your website and blogs from being hacked?
Here I have shared some tips to protect your websites and blogs from being hacked by hackers?
If you follow the tips given below properly, then you can save your website and blog from being hacked to a great extent.
#1 Use A Good Anti-Virus:
Antivirus! Many people do not consider it necessary to use it on their computers and laptops. If you are also one of them, then you should change your thinking and start using a good antivirus from today itself. And if you use antivirus and update it daily, then your computer can be hacked. The chances are very less.
If anyone wants to install spy software, keyloggers, payloads in your system, then the antivirus will give you the first notification of it and will prevent it from installing. So if you want to protect your computer and website & blog from being hacked, then you should start using a good antivirus and updating it daily from today itself.
#2 Use 2 Step Verification:
Friends, 2 Step Verification is such a process, in which even if the hacker gets to know your username and password, still he cannot log in to your account. So if you are a Blogger & Website owner then you must have heard about 2 step verification and if you do not use the feature of 2 step verification then you should start using it from today itself.
Guys, if 2 step verification is enabled in your account, then the chances of your account being hacked are very less because even if the hacker gets to know your password, he will not able to reach into your login account.
#3 Use Strong Password:
If you have a little knowledge about Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security, then you must have heard about Brute Force Attack, and you must know how important a strong password is for any of your accounts.
Along with a strong password, keep your username special, and do not make your name your username, and if you do not know about the Brute Force technique, or if you have not heard the name of Brute Force Attack before, then its complete information is here …
#4 Backup Your Blog & Website:
Everyone website or blog owner takes special care of this and takes backup of their website and blog daily. If for some reason your website or blog gets hacked, and you have a backup of it, then you can easily recover it. But if you do not have its backup then you can be in a lot of trouble.
If you use WordPress or Blogger, then you can easily take backup of your website and blog in this way…
Blogger: Go to Setting >> Other >> Backup Content.
WordPress: Click on WordPress Dashboard >>Click on Tools >> and Simply Export.
#5 Do Not Use Public WiFi:
Some people start using wifi by connecting anywhere in the affair of free internet, but it is not safe to do so at all, and even if you use public wifi, then use it with a VPN and only for downloading. Use it only, and do not log in to any of your social media accounts, and do not log in to your website & blog at all.
Although it is very difficult to see your password in HTTPS Connection, still you should not take any risk.
#6 Don't Use Crack Themes:
Every website or blog owner wants to design his site the best, you must have done it too. But in order to save some money, some people use the crack version of the paid theme, which is easily available for free. If you also do this, then you should change your theme today, because by doing this your site can also be hacked.
If you want to use a paid theme, then you can buy it and use it, otherwise, you can use any free theme.
So, friends, these were some tips which
If you follow, then you can save your website and blog from being hacked to a great extent.
Hope now you have come to know that How to secure websites & blogs from ethical Hackers in English? And how to protect websites and blogs from being hacked?
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